Electric Scooter Drive Belt Applications and Differences in Design

Scooters come in many different shapes and sizes, and the drive systems vary between different models. This technical blog about Electric Scooter Belt Replacement is designed to cover a broad range of scooter types and applications. You will have to use your mechanical inclination to apply the theory to your particular model of Electric Scooter.

An Electric Scooter Belt Connects the Motor to the Drive Wheel

If your scooter requires a new belt due to wear, breakage, or just preventative maintenance you will need to know how to switch belts. Scooter belts are a commonly replaced item like tires, brakes, batteries, etc. Check this out for more terminology and to better familiarize yourself with scooter parts. The scooter terminology is half way down the page and will help you with understanding the theory involved with changing scooter belts, or any belts for that matter.

Scooter Drive System Breakdown:
  • Belt (connects the wheel to the output shaft with sprockets connected to each)
  • Sprocket / Pulley / Cog (grooved wheels that match the tooth pattern on the belt)
  • Wheel (drives the scooter, usually the back wheel has a sprocket)
  • Outupt (the power source that the belt connects to on the motor side)
  • Drive Wheel (the sprockets that deliver the power are connected to these)

Assessing Your Electric Scooter's Drive System

Your scooters belt will connect the scooters motor to the rear wheel (in most cases). Find the adjustment point of your drive system and move the wheel (generally ;) towards the other drive source, giving your scoooters belt slack. This will allow you to slip the belt over both drive outputs.

Replacing your Electric Scooters Belt

Most belts are labeled with a number. The number will generally be in this format: HTD-500-5M-15.  The first three digits (500) is the length of the belt. The next set will be number/letter, which is the space between the teeth, and the last two digits represent the belt's width.

You will replace the Scooter Belt in the reverse order that you removed it. Once you get the belt on both drive sprockets you will be able to adjust the tension with the rear wheel's positioning. Some scooters will have belt tension adjusters, or dropout adjusters that will allow you to get the belt as tight as it needs to be. A good amount of slack will generally allow you about 1/4" slack when tight.

Signs of Wear and When to Repair Your Electric Scooter Belt

Check your belts for wear by inspecting the outside edges, and the insides of the teeth for dry cracks, or damage to the belt that could result in shredding, freying, or snapping. A good way too determine if there are any cracks is to bend the belt and check the bent edges as you rotate the belt around. This will spread out cracks and make them more visible.

Where to Purchase Electric Scooter Belts

You can find Electric Scooter belts on this product page, by number: Electric Scooter Belt Purchasing Page. The above store has a huge selection of belts with the standard numbering system. Some scooters may not have any markings on the belt, and this is usually because the manufacturer wants to be the only seller of that belt. Measure your belt, and check out this  Online Electric Scooter Parts Store if you have a belt with no markings.

Preventative Maintenance, Parts Stores, and Electric Scooter Repair shop Locator

Here is a short list of some stores that will be able to help you with your scooter parts order:

1. Belts for your Electric Scooter by Size

2. General Electric Scooter Parts, and Find a Repair Shop by Zip Code Feature

3. Electric-Scooters-info.com for questions, answers, discussions, modifications, and troubleshooting your scooter's issues